What is Wushu? |
In General, Wushu can be categorized into two main forms: Internal and external. Internal Wushu is slow motion and focuses on mind power for a tranquil spirit and strong body. External Wushu is fast motion and focuses on speed and power. Each form is then organized into five main styles:- |
Barehanded Routine. The popular ones are Changquan ( 长拳) , Nan quan (南拳) , Tai Chi (太极拳 ) , Xingyiquan ( 形意拳 ), Baguazhang ( 八卦掌 ) |
Weaponed Routine. The popular ones are broadsword (刀) , sword (剑) , staff (棍) and spear (枪 ) |
Group event ( 集体) |
Pre-arranged sparring ( 对练) . It can be hand-to-hand, weapon-to-weapon or hand-to-weapon combat |
Free Sparring (散手)